Bee Removal Services
We offer provide two main bee removal services to meet the needs of our customers. They are live bee removal and bee extermination.
Live Bee Removal and Bee Relocation Services
IF YOU WANT US TO SAVE YOUR BEES, PLEASE CALL AND INFORM OUR CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE THAT YOU WANT “LIVE REMOVAL.” ALSO, TELL OUR ON-SITE TECHNICIAN YOU WANT “LIVE REMOVAL.” When possible, we will save the bees and move them to our bee yard or release them to a safe desert location. Honey bees are great pollinators and should be saved whenever possible. They are needed to grow the food we eat. Just like you, we want to save the bees.
Bee swarms can usually be saved if they are mostly or totally exposed on a branch or other outdoor surface. For basic ground-level work, our cost for live bee removal is the same as our extermination fee. Please call us for a quote. This is a great value, since live bee removal requires more technical experience, labor time, fuel, and equipment. Live bee removal must be performed only by persons with expert knowledge of bees and specialized equipment.
Live bee removal is very difficult after the bees have entered a hollow wall, attic, or similar location. Also, when we assess that the site setting (people or pets in the area) or the aggressiveness of the bees could result in a safety hazard to people or animals, live removal will take a second trip to your home or business (at a time when people and pest can be cleared from the area). To protect the safety of our customers, their pets, and the public, we reserve the right to make the final decision whether to perform live bee removal or extermination (to prevent bees from stinging people or pets in the vicinity).

Pesticide Free Service
Also, some customers have chemical sensitivities. Even during live bee removal we may use a pesticide to disperse straggler bees. Therefore, IF YOU DO NOT WANT PESTICIDE USED ON YOUR PROPERTY, PLEASE INFORM OUR CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE WHEN YOU CALL TO SCHEDULE. ALSO, INFORM OUR TECHNICIAN WHEN HE/SHE ARRIVES AT YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS.
Other Bee Removal Options
Our first duty is the safety of our customers, their neighbors, and all pets and animals in the surrounding area. Because almost all wild honey bees in Arizona are Africanized, we must assume your bees are Africanized and act to prevent bee sting incidents. Bees generally become “angry” and sting when their nest is disturbed during bee removal. Angry bees may sting any person or pet/animal within 100 to 200 feet of their nest. WE HAVE NEVER HAD A BEE STING INCIDENT ON ANY OF OUR JOBS BECAUSE WE PLAY-IT-SAFE FOR YOU AND YOUR NEIGHBORS!