Honeycomb Removal
Honeycomb Removal from Structural Voids and Other Locations
Honey bees that have been present in any location for more than about one week will have produced a significant amount of honeycomb and honey (hive materials). After extermination/removal of the bees we recommend the removal of hive materials, whenever practicable. This generally requires cutting open a wall or roof, cleaning out and disposing the hive materials, and site cleanup. An additional fee applies for removal of hive material. Also, see our “Repair Services” page for repair of honeycomb removal locations.

Honeycomb Disposal
If bee hive materials are not properly removed and disposed, several problems are likely to occur: 1) honey-filled comb often melts allowing honey to run and damage other areas of the building; 2) “robber bees” will be encouraged to rob honey from the exterminated hive; 2) “scout bees” often identify the exterminated honeycomb as a good location to re-infest. Note: “Robber bees” and “scout bees” are able to find the location of exterminated bee hives due to the scent of honey and queen bee pheromone remaining in honeycomb or on surfaces in contact with honeycomb.
With customer approval, we will cut away construction materials to expose the honeycomb, hive materials, soiled insulation, etc. The affected area will be cleaned and deodorized to prevent re-infestation.