Saving bees and bee removal is a specialty area of pest control and is essential because they effect the safety and health of our community. WE WILL continue to serve you during these challenging times. The safety and health of our Customers, our team members, and our communities is of critical importance to us. Therefore, we have implemented certain protocols for our team members to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Specifically, we have directed our employees to follow prevention guidelines issues by the CDC and, especially, to stay home if they feel sick. In addition, we will do the following during visits to your property:
- You do not need to be home for us to complete your bee removal in most cases.
- When interacting with you, we will observe social distancing by maintaining a distance of at least six feet you from others.
- We will accept payments in one of three ways, but we prefer card payment by phone.
- 1) Credit card and debit card payments will be processed by phone. This is to limit the exchange of personally handled items.
- Payment by 2) check or 3) cash: after our technician arrives at your home or business, agree to leave your check or cash at a chosen location near your front door when we notify you our work is complete.
- We will wear new disposable gloves at each job site, if we work inside your home.
As part of our daily lives and during business operations, employees of The Beekeeper Total Bee Control will do the following:
- Our bee removal technicians normally meet at our office just one time per week. We frequently sanitize door knobs, desks, chairs, bathroom fixtures, etc. Employees will be required to use hand sanitizer outside the office entry door, prior to entry. During these meetings we will maintain social distancing of 6 feet or more. Any employee stating or showing any sign of illness will be prohibited from entry and sent home.
- Avoid close contact with individuals who are sick
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
- Wash our hands often
- Use hand sanitizer (60%-95% alcohol content) if soap and water are not available
- Follow guidelines from the CDC on coughing and sneezing etiquette and clean hands
Thank you for working with us to protect your health and safety as well as our team members.
Thank you for choosing The Beekeeper for your bee removal needs.
Chris Miller, President
The Beekeeper Total Bee Control Inc.